
Hiccup Cures and Remedies For Alls | Hichki ka ilaaj | हिचकी का इलाज

Hiccup Cures and Remedies For Alls – Hichki ka ilaaj - हिचकी का इलाज

Hiccup or Hiccups have their effects and bad effects on body and accound to good or bad. Few hiccups stands for that someone has missing you but when it come continuously then it stand that you are the victim of gastric problem. Following is the strong spells to which have the power to cure the hiccup problem.

Hiccup Cures and Remedies Spells For Alls-

Om Sumeru Parvat par nona chamaari |

Sone ki raanpi, sone ki Sutaari |

Kah Chuk Waah Bilaari |

Dhrni Naali Kaati Kuti Samundr Khaari Bhaayo |

Nona chmaari ki Duhaai |

Furo Mantra Khudaai |

Hiccup Cures and Remedies Spells Ritual For Alls-

If you face the victim who is getting trouble due to continuously hiccups, then just the chant this spells and blow on him / her. Do this seven times hiccup will stop automatically.

Hiccup Cures and Remedies For Alls
Hiccup Cures and Remedies For Alls

IN HINDI VERSION - Hichki ka ilaaj - हिचकी का इलाज

|| मंत्र ||

ॐ सुमेरु पर्वत पर नोना चमारी।

सोने की राँपी, सोने की सुतारी।

हक़ चूक वाह बिलारी।

धरणी नाली काटी कुटी समुन्द्र खारी बहावो।

नोना चमारी की दुहाई।

फुरो मंत्र खुदाई।

विधि: जब भी किसी रोगी को देखे तो मंत्र जपो और उसको फूंक मार दो।  ऐसे सात बार करो हिचकियाँ रुक जाएंगी। 


  1. Ohh myy God..
    It really worked !!!!
    I cant belive.
    I was facing hiccups from last 1 hr , i had lot of water did evry thing i knew.
    But then i googled and found out this ..
    It really helped me
    Thank you.
