
When Landlord want to Remove You from Home

If your landlord is so cruel and want to remove you from his / her house and at same time you are not able to change then how you can change your house owner mind. This process is given here. Sometimes landlord don’t want you more to live in his house and he gives you notice that vacant his house immediately or on date provided and you are not in the condition so that you can change the house.

There can be any reason like if landlord wants to increase rent illegally and you are refusing it or landlord is not happy with your behavior etc. With or without any reason he given you notice to leave the flat or room then you have only one way to leave the house and search for another. But this is not possible all the times that you immediate search the new house and start living there. So if you want to live there at same old house and want to change the mind or your landlord then just do the ritual given below.
When Landlord want to Remove You from Home
When Landlord want to Remove You from Home

What must you do when your Landlord wants to Remove You from Home?

-      First of all keep your mind peace and sweet voice and ask your landlord for mustard oil On Thursday.

-      Yes take the mustard oil from the house where you are living.

-      Now search Acacia tree (बबूल का पेड़) and bring their mustard oil there and offer this oil in the root of this Acacia tree. And Prayer for your desire.

This is the only and little ritual to keep your landlord satisfies, after this landlord will not say you again to leave house.

 When Landlord want to Clear, If landlord don’t want more you to live in house, Owner of House want to house vacant.

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