
When Younger do Not Respect Elders in Family

The reputation and the respect of family are always related to our children or Younger behaviors. We always guide and advise them for the good things and behave well with others and respect to elders. But due to bad manner or any other reason our all good advice works opposite on their nature. They start do opposite whatever we or elder advise them. By this way one irritate environment create in the family that fall down the reputation of family and the respect of our elders. 

Our biggest goodwill and wealth in society is only the respect and reputation of our elders in society. If that will destroy then we will lost all property. If our children can understand this matter then definitely they cooperate us but maximum cases they didn’t understand this thing and we became handicap to persuade them.
When Younger do Not Respect Elders in Family
When Younger do Not Respect Elders in Family

Here we are providing the spiritual ritual process which work miraculously and show the result very fast. So does this ritual When Younger do Not Respect Elders in Family:

-      First arrange the Betel and make a hole from it. This ritual need to do on Saturday.

-      Now take that family member or woman or child cloth that always disobeys the elders.

-      Now threaded this cloth form the betel and tied it on the root of Ficus religiosa (Piple or पीपल) tree. And offer the fresh mug of water in the root of that tree.

-      Now take the fresh mug of water and offer in the root of that Piple tree for seven Monday.

This is the complete and powerful ritual. As soon as this ritual will complete that child or woman etc will start obey to you miraculously immediately. 

 If The Younger don’t like to Respect Elders, If The Younger are out of control, Always Respect Elders in Family.

How to make Happy Ancient Divine Spirits

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