
Women Respect in Family

Due to any reason if any woman facing the insult at her husband home or that woman not getting respect in family or women not getting the much importance by family members then she should do this ritual. This ritual must start from Thursday during the period of full moon nights. 

Woman should arrange the thick thread colored with turmeric and length should be 7 times of woman height.  

Now come near the Banana plant and keep chanting in her Om Devguru. And offer the little jaggery and light the incense. And now prayer for your problem or issue as mentioned above.

Now bring this thread near Ficus religiosa(Piple or पीपल) tree, first offer fresh mug of water into the root of piple tree, then wrap that thick thread toward piple tree and leave it as it is. Now first light Ghee lamp, incense and offer yellow Parsad on this piple tree root and then return back to home.

Women Respect in Family
Women Respect in Family

Now on next week same day on Thursday. Again visit the banana and piple tree and process the same ritual. But the thick turmeric colored thread which was wrapped up in previous week to piple open it and now wrapped it with coconut which has water in it. Now flow this coconut in any river or canal. 

Remember Do this ritual 4 Thursday, Tied the thread on first and third Thursday and open it and flow in water on 2nd and 4th Thursday. Then this ritual will be completed successfully. All type of respect related problem will be solved and you will be very important personalities for your family.

This is the simple, easy, effective and powerful way or method where Women did not get Respect in Family and can their respect or honor as before again.

 Woman honor in family, Dishonor the Girl is bad, Importance of Girl Honor.

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When Husband Get Angry without any Reason

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