
For Earning More and More Profit

Earning more profit or money is our first motive of our business. By all mean we just do job or business or any work that’s direct motive is only to earn more and more money or profit. For the time today money is all another all things are behind it. If you have money then all is well but if all is well but in realty money is not with you then definitely you cannot live happy and prosper.

So To complete and fulfill your all such earning related or profit related desire, you do lots of hard work day and night. But even then you could just earn only living. Not more than that. So to earn as per your desire just do the empiricism measure as given below that will definitely help you to reach you on your target earning.

Let us do following measure for earning more and more profit-

-      This ritual measure is for husband and wife, both should do or use this with each other.

-      Couples need to worship the banana tree; both should have raw yarn and take 5 rounds clockwise of banana tree and then tied it to tree.

-      Now offer 5 -5 cloves to tree into its root. And light the ghee lamp there.

-      This measure need to start from Tuesday and will continue till next 11 days.

-      After completion of 11 days just boiled the black gram and delivered in hungry peoples.

-      Also at every Tuesday and Saturday offer Jaggery (in Winter Season) or Banana (In summer) to desi cow, continuously and prayer for Pitru devta for your family prosper and happiness.

Doing this will make your profit high and increase your earning more and more. This is really very simple, powerful and effective rituals or measure for earning more and more profit.
For Earning More and More Profit
For Earning More and More Profit

For Earning More and More Profit, how can earn more profit, Measure to Increase your earning, Way to Earn More Gain.


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