
How Can Control the Anger

Anger is the biggest enemy of human. IF the human cannot control on anger then all peoples are enemies for that person but if that person can control the anger then all are his friend. Only the enemy of human and that is anger. If human will win this enemy then human have ability to win the world. The most top enemy of human is his own anger only.

How can control the anger?

-      If there is such problem in family that any member of family feel anger and lost his temper soon then we have very solid measure or way to keep it calm. And then that person will learn to control over his temper.

-      If this problem is with one member then you can arrange the Dakshinawarti Shellfish and fill water in it and let this water drink to that anger member of family.

-      But if you see that all family members are lost temper on any little trifle the arrange or search for  Neolamarckia Cadamba (Kadamb Tree).

-      Now on each full moon day, bring the twig of kadamb tree which have seven full and complete leave on it. Bring this twig at home and this twig must have Monolithic (Akhand) Leaves. Put it at worship place of home mean in the home temple.

-      Now in next full moon day take this old twig with you and leave it there and then bring new twig same as above.

This will very helpful to control the temper of family member and bring the peace and prosperity in family immediately.

क्रोध पर नियंत्रण हेतु : यदि घर के किसी व्यक्ति को बात-बात पर गुस्सा आता हो, तो दक्षिणावर्ती शंख को साफ कर उसमें जल भरकर उसे पिला दें। यदि परिवार में पुरुष सदस्यों के कारण आपस में तनाव रहता हो, तो पूर्णिमा के दिन कदंब वृक्ष की सात अखंड पत्तों वाली डाली लाकर घर में रखें। अगली पूर्णिमा को पुरानी डाली कदंब वृक्ष के पास छोड़ आएं और नई डाली लाकर रखें। यह क्रिया इसी तरह करते रहें, तनाव कम होगा। 
How Can Control the Anger
How Can Control the Anger
How Can Control the Anger, For controlling the Temper, Restraint the Furor, Continence the Irritancy, Restraint on behave.

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