
Secrets of Healthy, Thick Lovely and Beautiful Hair

I will disclose the big secrets of healthy, thick, lovely and beautiful hair today. Who don’t like to get beautiful and thick hair? But due to pollution and mental problems peoples are losing their beautiful hairs. Hair fall and coming white hair before time is becomes the general thing. We can keep your hair healthy by changing little life style and to keep ourselves happy always. But if you do little yoga with this as daily routine then you can change your hairs luck. By this way we can get rid from such type of hair problems. Let us learn which Yogasan are important for healthy, thick, lovely and beautiful hair…

1.  Pawanmukt Asan – This asan pressure on stomach and increase the blood circulation in hearts and lungs, it provided the power to heat and make lungs more active. By this way it cures the cough related disease and prevent another disease. By this way it is great remedy for stomach disease and hair fall problems. How you will do it. Just lay down on back and turn your legs. Now raise your legs and come close to chest and caught it tightly with both arms. Now exhale the breath and pressure the leg knee in stomach. Raise your head and put chin in the middle of both knees. Now let breath run in normal way and close your eyes. By this way you can swing front and back easily and keep stay in this position according to your capacity.
Secrets of Healthy, Thick Lovely and Beautiful Hair
Secrets of Healthy, Thick Lovely and Beautiful Hair
2.  Matayasan – Matayasan is best of stomach disease also. Because if he stomach is ok then all body will be ok and fit. This is very useful for thyroid also. This asan is best for the health of hairs. How you can do it? This is explained here:  First sit in Kamalsasn mean put your left heel on your right thigh and same with another heel put on another thigh. Now lay down back side. Your head should be touch and back should be in the shape of bow, your hands should touch the toes. This is called matayasana.

3.  Shirshasan : After Matayasan just rest for some time and then do this asan. It’s really very powerful and effective yoga for our beautiful and lovely hair. After its regular practice it makes our hair thick and attractive hair. Due to effects of this yoga our hair never can grow white and never hair fall problem can occur without time. How we can do this asan – First put your hands and joined like bag on ground then put your half head in it and let half on ground, then raise your half body up and then legs. This is also called head stand. You can do it with the help of wall also.
Tips for Healthy and lovely hairs
Tips for Healthy and lovely hairs

4.  Morganatic inverse pranayama and meditation mean Anulom vilom Pranayam or Dhyan:- This is also called Nadi Shodhak Kriya. In this action we take breath with left nasal and then stop it inside us according to our limitation then exhale it from right nasal and will stop it outside for some time and then inhale from right nasal and again repeat the process as above. This is called Morganatic inverse pranayama. This action will eliminate the tension and all mental stress and provide us totally peace of mind and according to health it makes our body by cleaning all poison from our body. You must do this process 11 times.

get healthy and thick hair by yoga
get healthy and thick hair by yoga

Secrets of Healthy, Thick Lovely and Beautiful Hair, Tips for Healthy and lovely hairs, Importance of yoga for beautiful hairs, Main 5 yogasana for beautiful and healthy hair, get healthy and thick hair by yoga.


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