
Yoga and Pranayama can Control the Planets

Astrology totally depends on planets situation. To control the bad place effects of planes we all use tantra, mantra and different -2 types of donations. But few peoples know that we can control the planets situation by yoga and pranayama.

Surya Namaskar For Sun Planet bad effects: Surya namaskar, Bhrasrika and kapaal bhati pranayama is the best solution if the sun planet has bad place in your life. If you feel lose confidence, negative thinking, weak heart and eyes then definitely you must do all above described yoga and pranayama.

Anulom Vilom Pranayam for Moon Planet: IF you became really very emotional and under pressure or tension then definitely your moon is weak and in such cases you must do the anulom vilom pranayama to remove such bad effects and with it if you will do the long chant of Aum then it will be more better and immediately show positive result.
Yoga and Pranayama can Control the Planets
Yoga and Pranayama can Control the Planets

Padmasan for Mars Planet bad place: if you feel so laziness and you don’t hear to do any work then definitely your mars is weak now and then your should do the padmasan as more as possible with long chant. Also you should do Titli asan and myurasan to remove or control the mars planet effects.

Bhastrika Pranayama for Mercury Planet: If you see that you have lost your decision power and have skin diseases then definitely your mercury planet has on bad place for you and to control it you must need to do Bhastrika Pranayama and anulom vilom pranayama with long ‘Aum’ chant will be beneficial for patient.
Yoga or Pranayama effects on astrological planets
Yoga or Pranayama effects on astrological planets

Kapal bhati for Jupiter planet: Stomach related problems, diabetes and obesity problem direct indicate the bad place of Jupiter planet. To control it first leave the yellow and sweet eatable things to eat. And then do the kapal bhati pranayama to control it. In asanas sarvangasan, agnisaar kriya and surya namaskar are very beneficial for it.

Dhanurasan for Venus Planet bad place: when sexual problems increase like sexual disease and irregular monthly cycle for girls are shows the bad effects of Venus planet disturbance then must need to do the Dhanurasan, halasan, mulbandhasan. These will control the bad place of venus but leave the cold article like ice cream, curd, etc.

Bhramri Pranayam for Shani Planet: when you sick with arthritis, acidity, heart attack problem and insomnia disease then definitely your Saturn have on bad place and its bad effects is giving your problem. To control the Saturn bad place effect patient can do the Bramri Pranayam, Shitlikaran and Anulom Vilom Pranayam. Except this avoid excess and oily food and take maximum water. 
Power of Yoga and Pranayam
Power of Yoga and Pranayam

Yoga and Pranayama can Control the Planets, Yoga or Pranayama effects on astrological planets, Power of Yoga and Pranayam, Yoga and Pranayam Will change the astrology of human.


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